Friday, May 18, 2012

I see Assisi (& Lake Trasimino)

On the way to Assisi, we stopped by a little town by Lake Trasimino. This little town used to have an aviation industry. The sculpture in the middle of the lake is an homage to the aviation industry.  It’s a charming old town where Italians usually come for weekend outings.  The weather has been chilly and windy! I’m so glad I packed plenty of warm clothes!

We only had 3 hours in Assisi so I tried to see as much as I can. So far, Assisi has been my favorite visit so far. The town is so well preserved because Assisi was hit by the black plague in the 13th century. The buildings are just so beautiful. Assisi was built upon the ruins of an old Roman town. 
This is the piazza in the middle of town. 

 St. Rufini is actually the patron saint of Assisi. St. Rufini is the one who came in to Assisi and converted the Roman pagans to Christianity. The church of St. Rufini or Santa Rufini Cathedral is the town church where St. Francis of Assisi and St. Clare were baptized.
In front of Santa Rufini's Cathedral

Yes. This is a sculpture in front of the church of the lion eating a martyr. 
Life was not easy for the early Christians in the Roman world.

 The road leading down to St. Francis Basilica. St. Francis or Francesco's mom was actually French. That's why they called him Francesco or "Frenchy." A group of Franciscans eventually landed in California and had strong influence there. Hence, San Francisco, Santa Clara, and Los Angeles (St. Maria of the Angels).

This town is just beautiful. Amazing view everywhere.

Walking up to St. Francis Basilica

 St. Francis Basilica. It's actually 2 cathedral built on top of one another.

In front of St. Francis Basilica looking down over the valley below.

St. Francis's Basilica. The place where St. Francis's body rest.

 St. Francis's Basilica from the bottom

The end of the day, I ran into a grocery store for a little snack for the ride home. 
Bacon Chips....enough said.

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