Earlier today I was thinking that jetlag is for amateurs, here I am, I’m typing up this blog at 4:13 in the morning Bangkok time. Ha. It seemed like we were adjusting pretty smoothly until our second day (which is normally when jetlag is the worst.) Brian and I have been going to bed around 3 a.m. our first 2 nights (those who know us well know that that’s kind of an Akers night owl thing) and waking up a little before 8 a.m. feeling good and refreshed. We didn’t even feel the need to take a nap, we just kept ourselves busy walking around, shopping, running errands (like figuring our internet and picking up stuff I forgot to pack.)
We started out Friday with going to visit some of my family who lives on the next street over. We had a little bit of time to catch up with some of my cousins, aunts and one of my uncles. When we were done with our visits, we walked over to this little restaurant near the church for lunch. As we were walking in, we saw P’Nong and a Caucasian woman sitting in a booth so we joined them. As I suspected, the woman is a missionary recently assigned to Thailand (pretty logical guess for a Caucasian woman having lunch with a church staff.) Her name is Karen B. and she’s originally from South Carolina. She’s been in Vietnam for many years and she travels a lot around South East Asia and supports different missionary families. We talked about her work and we somehow started talking about my Kenya trip this summer. As I was talking about my time with our Wycliffe missionaries in Kenya, she had a look on her face and then she asked me, “Did you get to meet Brian and Karen Anders?”
My eyes got really big and I just couldn’t believe it. I just had a small world moment! I told her they were the reason we were in Africa this past summer! The Anders are our home church’s Wycliffe missionaries! Brian Anders came to know Jesus and felt the call to the mission field at North Avenue Presbyterian Church where we are now members! It turns out that Karen B. grew up with Karen Anders and is from her home church in SC as well!! How cool is that!! We finished our very tasty lunch and sat and talked for a while. It was such an unexpected treat!
So while Brian took an afternoon nap, I went to the county office with my dad to renew my Thai citizenship card. Going to sit in line to get a new ID card was not something I was looking forward to (think going to the DMV to get your license) but I had a really great afternoon just spending time talking with my dad. We talked about life, Biblical hermeneutics, and a lot about the church. After we were done at the county office, we walked over to the BSC (where my mom works) to say hi.
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