Maji Mazuri is a social economic develpment program based in the Mathare Valley slum. Life in Mathare Valley is a pretty bleak. 400,000-500,000 people live in the most deprived conditions with no utilities or clean water in this area. I know that I'm not prepare for what I'm going to see/experience: abject poverty.
Although this is a situation that seems like problems overwhelm the solution... Maji Mazuri is making a difference by providing basic skills and resources to thousands of families better their lives and , escape from the bondage of poverty, and become self-sustaining individuals! The projects are aim towards economic empowerment (Micro-enterprise projects) and education (schools & training.) You can find more information about Maji Mazuri through their website
I must admit, I'm a little scared. It's one thing to read about this kind of poverty, and another thing to see it, smell it, and feel it in person. As we pray, "Your kingdom come, your will be done ON EARTH as it is in heaven," we need to ask the question : What does God's will and Jesus's kingdom on earth look like in a place like the Mathare Valley? Or more importantly, "What is my role in being an agent of His kingdom on earth?"
Pray for me as I wrestle with these questions. Pray for the people who live in such poverty. Pray that the good news of Jesus Christ will break through and transform the lives of people from the inside out, that the bondage of poverty will be broken, and that God's kingdom will come on earth as it is in heaven.
Holy Spirit, may you teach us what it means in our every day life to love mercy, do justly, and walk humbly with God.
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