We had a meeting last Sunday (6/6)with Dr. Mwaniki (NAPC's very own theologian in residence,) who is Kenyan, to go over some Swahili phrases and Kenyan cultures and customs. Apparently, according to Dr. Mwaniki, I have a knack for Swahili :) After meeting with Dr. Mwaniki, the team met and talked about logistics of the trip. It was productive and eye-opening.
This week was a crazy was for our household. Work schedule was crazy, my arm was still in pain from the shots (I had no idea that it was going to hurt that bad for that long! Tetanus booster is not my friend,) and the house was a mess. I was starting to feel stressed out and overwhelmed by all the details of the trip. One of the things that is a big concern is the prevalence of petty crime in Nairobi. The logistic of how to carry money, passport (I will be acquiring an under-the-clothes wallet/passport carrier) and the rest of our stuff was stressing me out. If you look from a few blog entries back to the one with our itinerary, you'd see that we're going to a different place each day, which mean we have to carry all of our luggage with us as we travel from place to place.
I was starting to feel anxious about how all this is going to work. God is faithfulness and He heard my prayers. At our team meeting this Sunday, Kristina (our International Missions coordinator) gave us an update on the trip. The great thing is that we will no longer go from place to place, we will stay at the Anglican Church of Kenya Guesthouse the whole first week and take day trips to visit our mission partners instead. Praise God! This came about when one of our contacts, a young Kenyan Paster named Martin Mwangi, has offered us the use of his car and making available an elder in his church to drive us. I'm so thankful for this new arrangement.
Now I feel so much better about it and I feel like I can finally focus on the task at hand. I still need to work on a "curriculum" and continue to prepare spiritually as well as physically . I finished all my vaccination this week and picked up my malaria prophylaxis. Things are coming together. I'm getting really excited.
Please continue to pray for me this week:
1. For the Holy Spirit's inspiration as I plan my curriculum/activities for the youth group during Wycliff conference.
2. For the rest of the trip preparation to go smoothly (still waiting on my passport to come back from Kenyan Embassy)
3. For the mission partners who we will meet. For our team to be filled with Holy Spirit so that we may be an encouragement to them.
4. For the students that will be in our group at Wycliff, that their hearts will be opened to one another, to our team, and most importantly to the Holy Spirit.